Broke to ride, loads and trailers well.  She has been in group rides ~ middle or behind the group she is great. Let her lead the group and she enjoys the front too.  She is still learning but smart and willing.  Goes in water, over bridges, logs, brush, dogs running in and out, good on picket lines, tied to trailer or in a box stall.  Stands for the farrier and is comfortable with having a loud grinder used on her hooves. She rides off without lunging, just saddle and enjoy a nice smooth ride.



 PAWNEE ~  7/06/2011 ~ 100% FDP ~ 6 panel Negative ~ DNA Profile: A/a, nd2/nd2, E/e, LP/LP, n/PATN1

Big Bodied Brood mare, quiet and easy to handle, leads and lunges. Great for farrier and easy to catch.

When bred to a GAP5 or greater stallion, will have a GAP5/100% FDP foal.

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